I despise cliffhangers. They really make me feel like I'm standing on a cliff about to drop into the dark abyss of annoyance. I've ground my teeth at them in the past but with Butterfly by Ashley Antionette, I had to take a lap around the track and sit down and WAIT.
I waited with every bit of impatience I could muster, and I re-read book 1 in the interim. The characters are captivating, their personalities strong enough to warrant real emotions at some of their actions.

I wanted to strangle Morgan (protagonist) and pay for her solo vacation away from the drama at the same time. And her babies ooo...I loved them too.
I'm trying to write this without giving spoilers and it's hard but these characters stuck to me. They sat around the waiting room of my mind and I gave them each an examination. I loved the experience of reading Ashley Antionette.